XAQ was born with the aim of securing and expediting transactions in the XAQ network of websites.
You can use XAQ tokens for trading, hold them as a store of value, and of course, use them as a form of currency wherever they are accepted.
Symbol: “⦻” (Unicode: U+29BB) - Math Symbol of Circle with Superimposed X (HTML Entity: 10683, x29BB, olcross)
Code: XAQ
Contract (to add to your wallet): 0xea77f2a7F362c0cEd2Ac063B0652F438877C69e1 Circulating Supply: ⦻100,000,000,000
XAQ tokens are designed to be fast for transactions with negligible transaction fees. This feature makes them better for buying and selling when compared to other cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin which come with heavy fees.
XAQ is built using BEP-20 standard, a token standard on Binance Smart Chain. You can think of it as a blueprint for tokens that defines how they can be spent, who can spend them, and other rules for their usage.
BEP-20 token transfers are fuelled with BNB. This provides an incentive for validators to include the transactions in the blockchain, as they’ll collect the BNB as a fee for their troubles.
XAQ Team core principles are:
  • honesty
  • professionalism
  • commitment
  • transparency
Please contact us for any suggestions or inquiries.
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